Who Is the King of Instagram in India: Influencer Spotlight

Who Is the King of Instagram in India: Influencer Spotlight

Instagram has become a major platform for celebrities, influencers, and normal individuals to express their creativity and share their lives with their followers. In India, the craze for Instagram has given rise to many influencers who have millions of followers. These influencers are admired for their fashion sense, lifestyle, and even their values and opinions. But who is the king of Instagram in India? Let’s find out.

Virat Kohli

The undisputed king of Instagram in India is none other than the Indian Cricket team captain, Virat Kohli. With over 120 million followers, Virat is the most followed person in India on Instagram. His Instagram page is a perfect blend of his personal and professional life, which includes his workout routines, advertisements, and candid moments with his wife, Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma. His dedication and determination resonate with his followers, making him one of the most loved figures in the country.

Virat often uses his platform to inform, inspire, and engage his followers. From promoting brands, supporting social causes, to sharing important updates on his cricketing career, Virat’s Instagram profile is a testament to his towering presence in the digital world. His posts are not just about glamour and fame, but also about hard work, discipline, and love for his country which has earned him the tag of the ‘King of Instagram in India’.

Priyanka Chopra

The ‘desi girl’ of Bollywood, Priyanka Chopra, is another leading Instagram influencer, with over 64 million followers. Priyanka’s Instagram page is a reflection of her personal and professional life that includes her time on movie sets, her experiences in Hollywood, and her adorable moments with husband, Nick Jonas. Her journey as a small-town girl to a global icon is an inspiration to millions of her followers around the world.

Priyanka uses her Instagram platform to raise awareness about social issues and supports various causes. She is also known to interact directly with her followers through live sessions and direct messages, making her one of the most relatable celebrities. Despite her international fame, Priyanka has never forgotten her roots and often shares posts that reflect her love for her country, making her a beloved figure in the Instagram world.

Ranveer Singh

Bollywood’s powerhouse, Ranveer Singh, is one of the most followed Indian celebrities on Instagram. With over 37.8 million followers, Ranveer is well-known for his flamboyant style and infectious energy. His Instagram feed reflects his vibrant personality, featuring posts on his film shoots, brand endorsements, and his adorable moments with wife Deepika Padukone.

Known for his unconventional style and unique outlook towards life, Ranveer’s posts are a breath of fresh air among the usual celebrity posts. His posts often express his love for his fans, his work, and his wife, making him an endearing figure among his followers. Not just that, Ranveer’s ability to laugh at himself and his quirky fashion sense has earned him a loyal fan base on Instagram.

Key Takeaways:

  • Virat Kohli, with over 120 million followers, is the king of Instagram in India. His Instagram profile is a perfect blend of his personal and professional life and resonates with his followers.
  • Priyanka Chopra, with over 64 million followers, uses her Instagram platform to raise awareness about social issues and interact directly with her followers.
  • Ranveer Singh, with over 37.8 million followers, is known for his unconventional style and vibrant personality, which he reflects on his Instagram profile.


Who is the King of Instagram in India?

The King of Instagram in India is Virat Kohli, the captain of the Indian Cricket team, with over 120 million followers. His Instagram profile reflects his personal and professional life and is a source of inspiration for many.

Who are the top Indian influencers on Instagram?

Apart from Virat Kohli, the top Indian influencers on Instagram include Priyanka Chopra and Ranveer Singh. Their Instagram profiles are a reflection of their personal and professional lives and are followed by millions.

How many followers does Virat Kohli have on Instagram?

Virat Kohli has over 120 million followers on Instagram, making him the most followed person in India.

What kind of posts do these influencers share on Instagram?

These influencers share posts related to their personal and professional lives, including their work, daily activities, brand endorsements, and social causes they support.

Why do these influencers have such a large following?

These influencers have a large following due to their popularity as public figures, their engaging content, and their ability to connect with their followers through their posts.

How do these influencers use their Instagram platform?

These influencers use their Instagram platform to connect with their followers, promote brands, support social causes, and share important updates on their lives and careers.

How has Instagram helped these influencers in their career?

Instagram has helped these influencers expand their reach, connect with their fans, promote their work, and even earn through brand endorsements and collaborations.

Do these influencers interact with their followers on Instagram?

Yes, these influencers often interact with their followers through comments, direct messages, and live sessions on Instagram.

How can I become a popular influencer like them on Instagram?

To become a popular influencer, you should share engaging and relatable content, interact with your followers, promote your posts, and collaborate with other influencers or brands.

What has made these influencers so successful on Instagram?

Their success on Instagram can be attributed to their engaging content, their ability to connect with their followers, their popularity as public figures, and their consistent efforts to keep their followers informed and entertained.

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